Dear I'taira,

What is wrong with you! Snap out of this trance of fearfulness. Wake up to who you really are! The I'taira I knew would not give up. That's what you've done. You've given up on everything. You need to find hope. A hope that you can cling onto. Do you not remember our days as children? When I would be the one in danger and you would find a way to save me. No matter what enchantments, what odds. I believed in you, and still do. I know you can get out of there if you try. Luc could be in danger and needs your help. If you have no hope in anything at least try to hold on to Luc. Sister, please, you have lost all sense of purpose. HOPE! Believe in it. Sister I was always the fearful one. But I found the secret. Hope can ease fear, make it more possible to survive. Sister awaken from this awful trance and seek for the hope that will give you strength. Strength to escape, unless you can't find it. You, the best Warrior at Warrior Training, unable to find a simple thing. I never thought a Warrior could be brought so low.

I'm sorry, that's too harsh. I'm so tired of hearing you complain and not do anything. Sister please try. I was wondering though, why was Gi there? He should have no reason to visit the Tower of Deth. That's strange.

I have hardly anything to say as of right now. Ranger and I are still traveling village to village. I noticed something queer today. Ranger has never asked why Y'ata was after me. I suppose he assumed it was just because Y'ata wanted an apprentice. But sister I'm wanted for so much more than that. I wonder if Ranger will ever ask me about it? We are on the road right now. I took this opportunity to write you during our rest stop. We're about to move on, I'll update you later to night.

Night fall;

Sister, I have had the most glorious evening of my life. It was so . . . odd. We continued on our way for a few hours. When we were ready to set up camp, and we both lowered our guard, men sprung up from all around two grabbed Ranger and two grabbed me. I struggled against the men but Ranger stood there calmly. Ranger looked forward to a man who lazily leaned against a tree. The man after sometime stood up and lazily walked over to Ranger. This man was strong of build and very large. He was rugged but not good looking at all. This man stared at Ranger and laughed. "Funny how you try every thing to give us the slip but we always track ya down in the end. This time we should have your agreement right?" the man said. Ranger half smiled and said, "Ti, why do you never stop? You know that I can't, because of things I've done. Let us go. You can't gain anything by keeping us in your custody." "Us? That's right. The little girl who's been traveling with you for a time," Ti said. He looked at me a sly smirk sliding up his face. "Aren't you a pretty one. Where did Ranger find you?" I looked away. I hated men like Ti. Even if he was just kidding.

Ti again turned to Ranger. "I suppose we could leave you here. Maybe a bit more ragged than normal. But I know you'll come for ya little friend," Ti said running his hand down my cheek. I shuddered. Ranger shook his head sadly. "She's dangerous. I wouldn't wish that curse upon you," Ranger said. Ti and his men laughed. Ranger looked at me and said, "Raina don't do it. Please don't do it." I watched his eyes. They were telling me the exact opposite then what he was saying. I closed my eyes and heated my skin. The men holding me let go in a howl as their hands burned red. In a flash of movement I had all the men thrown to the ground. I was surprised how little thought it took to do such a large action. Not to mention time it should of taken me to cast the spell. I looked at Ranger who was still standing, he smiled at me and signaled that we should move on before the men woke up.

At last we settled into a camping spot. Ranger built the fire while I went and looked for herbs that would taste good in a soup. After we both ate dinner we sat across from each other looking at the fire. After a few minutes Ranger broke the silence. "So why does Y'ata want you? Besides the fact that you are a Mage," he said. I sat quietly, he was actually asking the question I thought he would never ask. I cleared my throat and started with how you were at Warrior Training then ran away and how I ran from the army. Then me becoming your spy, and all the events that led up to the kidnap of princess I'talia. Strange how I hadn't thought of her for such a long time. When I had mentioned that fact Ranger stopped me and said in a shocked voice, "You actually kidnapped the princess?" I nodded. "Get some rest we'll be leaving early," he said then he stood and went to start his look out.

I closed my eye's. Oh what a scene to come before my eyes! Sister why haven't you told me how bad things really are? No its not your fault. Why was I so blind? I saw you. After I had been seeing my visions without comprehending I opened up for full understanding. I can't believe it. Forgive me, forgive me. I feel so . . . I'm sorry. How could I have been so heartless. I'm coming for you. I don't care what pain I suffer. It will all be penitence for the things I have forced you to endure. I could have ended it. I should have come and rescued you from the very beginning.

Yours in pitiful sorrow,


We have taken a rest stop so I will write you one last time before I send this letter. After I had woken from the knowledge of you in danger I went to Ranger and told him I would be leaving immediately for the Tower of Deth. He gave a sly smile. "I'm coming with you. But we have to find the Princess. I don't care how much you say you trust this Luc. I want to be sure that we have her and that she's safe. Well hurry and help me pack up camp. We need to get started if we want to get to your sister in time," he said.

I looked at Ranger and I was so grateful that he understood me and what I had to do. Then with out really knowing what I was doing I ran to Ranger and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I immediately turned to pack up camp to avoid an awkward moment. Though I chanced a glance back and he was giving me a quizzical look. Sister I know this is not the time, but I do like Ranger as a person. He's a good friend. Be comforted that we are on our way to rescue you. And find Luc and the princess.

The more I've thought about it the more I wonder why Ranger wants to find I'talia? And those men who wanted his allegiance? This is becoming very confusing.
