Dearest sister I'taira,

How could I do anything but forgive you? I have longed, and hoped, that you had not died. I missed you so much. It was almost unbearable at times. I must admit though that when I first received you letter I debated whether I would burn it or not. I was afraid, of what I don't know. Maybe I was afraid of the truth. But I'm so glad that I didn't burn it. Before I continue on about other news I need to tell you why things happened the way they did. When the Mage council appeared I didn't know what to think. Then they started blaming you. I didn't know how to react. Forgive me for being so stubborn on that cliff I should have let you explain everything to me. But when I saw you fall off the cliff I so stunned that I couldn't move. Then the council got all mad and said that we, (Ranger and I) should have search parties sent out to find you. I refused and said that the evidence was clear that you had died. The Mage council doesn't really like me. I found out that they hated our father because he had so much magical power that they were jealous. I suppose being his daughters they naturally don't like us too much. And they hate you because they think you murdered Weed. Then they get mad at me because I was the only one brave enough to stand up to Y'ata. All in all I wish they would leave. But they have to stay. And about your banishment I really am sorry. It was either banish you or let them burn the place of your marriage and any remains that they could find, also allowing them to continue searching for you. Both Ranger and I decided it was best to banish you. I'm sorry but the council wouldn't have it any other way.

Now to move on to more pleasing things I'll update you on all your friends. Kira and Terk, they have four children, three daughters and one son. Bud and Luc have five children, they've been very busy. They had one pare of triplets. Bud is still a pleasure to have around and makes us all laugh. Then Benk and I'talia have one girl and one boy. Right now they are on the high seas checking on our foreign relations. Emlyn has recently been married to Abe's younger brother. Emlyn felt awful about liking him at first but then I told her that Abe wouldn't want her to become an old maid. She got married a month later. They all have their homes stationed near the palace. You would love the palace. It's so open and the sun is always shining through it. We built it on top of the rebellion caves. We then closed off the caves and those are where we have our prisons. But the open village area is now the capitol of I'ikane. It's much larger than H'lafa. All the Lords and Ladies have moved up here and now have a very busy court. Ranger finds it dull and I find it utterly pointless yet we have to affiliate with the court more than we would like. Every one still loves Ranger. He is probably the most respected person in the world. He and I still go out once a week to smaller villages and help others. Oh and aunt and uncle have moved back to our old village and live there in peace.

I suppose you have been wondering about my family. Well I wasn't at all surprised that you have heard about my eldest daughter, A'naraTair. She is the perfect princess. She has more courtly manners than Ranger and I could ever hope for. But she isn't the courts perfect idea of a lady. You see in her spare time she practices sword fighting, dagger combat and throwing, fist-fight training, cavalry and learning how to shoot a bow and arrow. Though the court doesn't know she does this. They just think she is the beautiful princess of I'ikane. She looks a lot like you. She's very lovely. After all she is named after you. She was destined to be good fighter, even at her young age of almost seven. Emlyn thinks that we should arrange a marriage for our daughter. I refused and said that I wouldn't punish my daughter that way but Emlyn said that when she gets older she'll attract every Lord with in five months traveling distance. I still refuse. I would hate to have marriage forced upon me, and I'm sure my daughter would too. Well unfortunately we have to call her A'nara so that the Mage council doesn't get too mad.

Then there is our less known son Dainen. He's a very quite, reflective person, he's five. He loves studying war tactics and also enjoys training with his sister. He's very intelligent but talks rarely. He and I often go walks in the palace gardens and we talk together. He and I are close. I hate to admit it but I talk to Dainen more than my other children. But I suppose that's alright. I do spend most of my time with my children teaching them and what not. But Ranger spends more time with A'nara than I do.

Then there is our last son, the trouble maker, S'oturi. We all call him Ri (he's sort of named after Gi and Master S'oturi). I hope that Ri never meets Aberey and Terken. They would bring down the whole world. Ri is three also. He gets a strange thrill in causing trouble. The other day I found the cooks screaming because some how my little Ri had managed to sneak in two snakes. I have no idea where gets his sense of distruction. The whole Mage council has determined that my children our a hopeless case. They had hope in A'nara until she declared that her aunt I'taira was her role model, and that she was determined to turn out just like you. Then they thought Dainen would be someone Ranger and I could really be proud of. But then he wouldn't talk to them and when he did he . . . insulted them in a very sly manner. And Ri they find an embarrassment. So they decided that out of all our hopeless children A'nara would be the best choice for them to train in their ways of knowledge. She has lessons with them every week and she hates them. When she gets to the family living areas of the palace she tells us all their faults in teaching and their wrongs and her deep dislike. Ranger and I say nothing because in all honesty we agree with her. Ranger has another council which he picked half the men and then the people elected the other half. And he prefers that council.

I don't know if you've heard but the Sages are starting to lose their foresight. Sol was the first one to tell us of this. He said that he can't understand why its happening. Sol misses you. He knew that Weed was going to have someone kill him that day. But Sol hopped that he wouldn't die. But when he found out that Weed had chosen you to do it, he sorrowed. I know this because he told me. He tried to have the council disband the law of killing the person who killed the Ajitar, but they refused. He now understands that most Ajitars choose their way to die. And he feels that the Mage council has killed many innocent people because of their beliefs. All of us don't like the Mage council. I mean they don't even have power any more. I've tried to have them disbanded but it hasn't happened yet. I wish there was some way I could see you again. It makes me so mad that I was ever angry with you. I had long ago forgiven you but it still hurt me that you died not knowing how I really felt.

I get so side tract when writing you. There is so much I want to say but I really don't want to say it all in one letter. But when I told my daughter about you still being alive she was so happy and over joyed. She said she would love to write to Rayna. A'nara is keeping this secret of your existence so well. Ranger confides in A'nara more than he confides in his councilors. She is probably the most trust worthy person in the whole palace. She is very excited to write to her cousin.

I pray that maybe one day I will be able to see you again. And that our families will meet. Though we'd better bring ropes to tie up our trouble makers, if our families ever meet. I long to meet your children. Especially the one that has melted your heart. Ranger sends his love and deepest regret for how things have turned out. I want you to know that I love you. I didn't want you to die on that day so long ago and it still hurts my pride that I didn't stand up for you. I will only tell a few people of your existence though. I don't want too many people knowing.

I keep feeling like something is coming. Something that will make this people be more than what they think they are. Make this world a better place. But its just a feeling.

Love for ever and always,
