Dear sister,

Don't you dare die on me again, I'll personally kill you if you do. You scared me so bad. I can't go through emotional trauma like that right now! Please hold in there. If not for me, for Luc. I know he likes you. He talked very . . . fondly of you when he was here. And I did give him permission to fall in love with you. And don't you dare wish to be any different than who you are. But please don't you die on me. I cried in your letter as you were dying and I cried right in front of Ranger. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? Its over now right? Just don't you ever scare me like that again. Please, please, regain a hold on life. I need you more than you will ever know. Don't give in to boredom it will all be alright.

Say hello to Sol for me. Now that you are feeling better you should listen to Sol. He knows the way out (possibly), and if you listen to him he might help you escape (maybe). But please listen to him. Sister I am very worried about you. Y'ata must be planing something with you. You must get out of there, you must! I was so mad when Y'ata held you in the air! He was either infusing you with strength to survive until your health picked up or he was searching your memories. Memories about me. Tell me what exactly made you afraid when he was staring at you? I need to know to be sure of what he was doing. And what thoughts were you talking about? I'm confused and I wish to know. And as to your question about him wanting me so much I have no idea. There is an old story that I've heard around the camp fires in these small villages. The story goes something like this:

A young but old Mage will arise strong and confused, calm but nervous, sure but unsure, the Mage will overthrow the evil Mages of the time and help bring peace. Look for this Mage close to the one who will bring true peace or deliverance. Remember, part friend, part enemy, part beautiful, part fearful. Look for the day when the Mage will bring balance and help bring peace, though the one with true diliverence will be shuned from almost all.

I think it's rather false and just a wish. But maybe Y'ata fears I'm that Mage who will bring down the evil Mages. I think its funny.

Well to speak on lighter things and to keep my mind from wondering I'll tell you of what Ranger and I have been up to. Hm--where to start. Last week after I sent you the letter Ranger and I continued on our way towards another town. I guess Ranger has been traveling from town to town for years. Sometimes he'll teach me more swordsmanship. He's been using a sword for fifteen years or more. He's so good. Any how, each town we visit villages the girls flutter at his passing and frown at mine. Funny how it also works in reverse. The young men smile when I pass and give dirty looks to Ranger as he passes. We tease each other about it all the time. We have so much fun together. We talk like we've known each other for years, and I love it. I don't think I've enjoyed someones company as much as his since . . . yours. I haven't been able to find out why Y'ata is after Ranger every time I bring it up he switches topics. I wish I knew why but I'm content to leave that subject alone for the present. I never knew that it could be so much fun to work.

In the last village we went to I was helping an old lady. She was so funny. I don't know why every one insists on making the connection that Ranger isn't married and neither am I, or at least the older people comment on it. This old lady asked me if I was married and I said no. Then she asked if I was engaged. And again I said no. This old lady was feeling very inquisitive and asked if I've ever had an offer of marriage. I was about to say no when I realized that day on the farm when Aunt told me and when I had to talk to Carcon. So I said yes. The old lady then turned me around and looked in my eyes and said,"Good thing you said no. Ranger is a good man." She then didn't talk to me again. I don't get it. Good I said no but then why put in that "Ranger is a good man"? I still don't get it. Well I have fallen in love. But with whom you'll never guess. It's the people. I thought it would be impossible to care for so many people, but I do. And I have Ranger to blame for it. Though I hate to admit it, he was right. It is important to care about the people. I've seen so many refugees from all the rebellions going around that I can't help but wonder that there's a better way to make things right. Rather than tearing apart the normal people. There has to be!

Until we meet anew,

P.S. I'm sure Luc's fine. He's probably just taking it nice and slow with the princess. I'm sorry this letter isn't very long. I've been busy. Well good luck. And don't ever die on me again! I hope this finds you in good health. I miss you.