Dear I'taira,

Are you alright? I haven't heard from you in so long. I hope you are doing well. The thought of you being . . . . No I won't even think it. Please be safe. The contents of this letter is of a sad nature.

Ranger and I have traveled very little in the past few days. Y'ata keeps stopping us in our tracks. In reality we haven't been able to get very far at all. But when we were fleeing we chanced upon a small fort with soldiers. From Rangers snooping around we were able to find out that . . . I wish I wasn't the one to tell you. Luc and I'talia are in that prison. When Ranger told me I jumped up to go to their rescue. Even Ranger, who is usually very calm about things like this, already had a plan for braking in. And then Y'ata showed up and we had to flee. Sister I have to get to you. It's been several weeks sense we were at that fort. I hope they escaped, though I highly doubt it. But Ranger is determined to make it back to that fort.

Sister, every time we come in contact with Y'ata he starts telling me the tortures you have to endure. Sister I can't help but yell at him while I start crying. If you are being . . . I hate to say it, being tortured then I am to blame. I should have gone to your immediate rescue. Sister please write me and tell me if he really is hurting you. Then I will fight with all my strength, even with my life. I will give it if it meant keeping you safe. Ranger becomes more distressed every day. He told me I shouldn't write you. Said that it would just confirm my worst fears. But please tell me I need to know how you are doing.

I must bid you farewell. We'll probably be under attack soon, so good bye. But really quickly, why do you think Ranger is so desperate to get back to that fort?

With all my love, hoping this letter finds you in good health,
