Dear I'taira,

You're funny. How could you so calmly joke about Ranger and I being in love? It's not romantic at all, in fact it's a very serious matter. Ranger and I . . . . No use lying to you. I do love him. He is so perfect. You would like him a lot. He loves the people here in the rebellion. He goes through and will either play with the children that are on the streets or he will talk with the adults helping them fix their problems. Every one in the rebellion already respects him more than the man who is supposedly in charge. Ranger just has a way with people. People like him because he isn't so uptight, and he's willing to listen. He's so generous with his time. He will walk up and down the cave streets talking to people. He takes care of me too. He calls on me nearly every day. We go on walks together and talk. Or I go with him and talk to the people too. The children love talking to Ranger. Every time they see him they run up to him with new stories to tell or games to play. Ranger has gained the allegiance of every single person in the rebellion. He knows every person's real name. I have no idea how he remembers them all, but he does.

I have been such an insensible girl. To be blunt I had a really idiotic moment. Ranger walked me back to the bakery where I'm staying right now. He was about to leave when I couldn't help but ask him a question that had been itching at the back of my mind for several days. "Ranger," I said. He turned around. "Yes," he answered. Here came my pathetic stupid moment, "Why do you keep calling on me every day?" He smiled. I guess he was probably thinking why I asked that. And he was most likely right. We have this uncanny knack for reading each others thoughts. I asked partly because I didn't feel like I deserved to have his attentions, and I felt bad knowing other girls had set their hopes on him. I also wanted to know if I really did have his affection. He shook his head. "Raina, Raina, Raina," he said softly. "Isn't it obvious, I'm courting you." I covered my mouth as a big smile spread across my face. I knew it wasn't the proper moment to smile, but I couldn't help it. Ranger took my hand away from my mouth and kissed it. He turned away and left, giving me a small glace before he walked around the corner. Oh sister what a numskull I am. Can you believe I asked that? Me! But he was so sweet about it. And now I know that he does care for me!

Though all is not bliss. There are several people that think Ranger has gone insane. They think that I am just a country dolt who knows nothing, who is completely ugly. I was making bread the other day and these two men walked into the shop. I recognized them from being in leadership positions. One went over and told the baker lady to let them talk to me alone. She nodded and left. I felt so frustrated. One walked over to where I was working. "Miss, we have something to discuss with you," he said. Ha! I didn't want to listen so I didn't say anything. "Miss?" the man's voice had gotten quite stern. "Sir's I have no interest in what you have to say to me. Good day," I said, hoping they would leave. "You don't have to have an interest. We're going to say it any way," on of them said. The other man walked up next to the counter and said, "Ranger seems to have deep interest in you,"he paused then continued, "we don't think he should. We think that you are not good for him." Sister you have no idea how bad I wanted to use my magic to make him pay for saying that. It hurt, they were saying the exact things that I had been thinking. But they had no right to say them. "Sir's I have no idea why you are talking to me about it," I said, barely keeping my voice calm. "Ranger wont listen to us. So we want you to not see him any more,"the other one said. "And what if I refuse?"I asked. They paused. I thought how if they only knew who I was they wouldn't say such things. I could have killed them if I really wanted to. But that was no way to use my power. I then understood what had made Y'ata who he is. He had probably lost his temper and killed a few times, then glorying in the moment decided to continue down that path. But I will not be like Y'ata. I can't be like him.

One of the men cleared his voice, "You will be thrown out of the rebellion," he said. I had now regained control of my emotions so I was thinking much clearer. Do you not see how completely dumb these men are. So I couldn't do anything but laugh. "You throw me out of the rebellion?"I said, trying to stop my laughter. After a moment when my laughter subsided I continued, "Do you think that if you got rid of me Ranger would stay? He would most likely come with me. Now I think you have both overstayed your welcome. Good day." They looked slightly embarrassed and left. I knew they weren't done with my situation, so I decided to follow them.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to know what they would do now. I followed them for quite sometime. They went to where Ranger was staying. He was outside of his house talking casually with Giant. The one I told you about in my last letter, the swordsmanship master. So these men walked up to Ranger. I snuck into hiding close enough so that I could hear them but not be seen. Strangely they didn't ask Giant to leave. I wondered why but even now I don't know. One of the men walked up to Ranger and went completely ballistic. I could make out a few words like insolent, brat, not respectful. I could only assume that that man was talking about me. Ranger stood with a calm face. "What can I do about it?"he said calmly. Ranger is always able to be calm, no matter what the situation is. The other man stepped forward and said,"We didn't want to bring this up before but now we have to. Aren't you at all worried that when your Mage friend shows up she'll be a little jealous?" I couldn't believe it. They thought that I, Raina the Mage, had fallen in love with Ranger through our travels and that I would be jealous of my bakery self. I had to stifle a laugh. If only they knew. But Ranger didn't laugh, he calmly listened as both of the men explained their reasons. When they mentioned that they had gone to me and tried to reconcile me Ranger got a slightly angry look, but it was also a worried one. Maybe he knew that I would have been angry and possibly even used magic on them. "You actually went to her house?" Ranger asked. Both men nodded. "Your lucky that you weren't hurt. Now I will ask you never again to talk to her about this. And I advise you to not butt into my business again. I can handle myself." They were about to protest when Ranger gave them a sharp look telling them that their conversation was over. They were very confused too. I mean they were probably wondering how they could have been hurt. As they started to leave Ranger stopped them. "Remember that I can leave the rebellion at any time. I can start a new rebellion and I promise you that every one of your people would follow me. So remember that next time before you try to stick your noses in my business. That's all I have to say to you." Ranger said, turning back to Giant restarting their conversation. When both the men left Ranger sighed. Then looked at my hiding spot and waved me over. He had seen me. But I have no idea how he could have. I walked over at his call. Giant gave Ranger a quizzical look but said nothing. Ranger put his arm around my waste and pulled me close. "You could have gotten yourself into a lot of trouble you know,"he said to me. "Sorry, but you have no idea how frustrating it was,"I said. "I'm just glad you were able to control yourself. I know you have a temper, even though you do usually hide it in your angelic manner," Ranger said. Giant watched us still confused and feeling a little awkward I'm sure. "Giant let me introduce you to Raina the Mage of Tayna," Ranger said. Both Giant and I looked shocked. Ranger was actually telling him who I was. Giant recovered first and asked me directly if I was part of the rebellion. I had never really thought about it. I hadn't completely given my self to the rebellion. I told the giant that I wasn't sure. Ranger had a little disappointment in his face but nodded.

So that is the main thing that has happened for days. Oh sister, I still marvel at how well Ranger can be a leader. He is truly a natural. He is the perfect person for me.

Now I know what your thinking, enough about Ranger what else is going on. All in all nothing is going on. I haven't seen Ranger for a few days now. And I'm somewhat sorry to say that that's why I'm writing you. I think you're right about Y'ata. I told Ranger about Gi and your conclusions about the king. I expected Ranger to be a little surprised but he just nodded. The only thing he reacted to was Gi. When I asked him about it he simply said that now was not the time. But As to the person Y'ata most fears I have no idea. I can't possibly imagine who that could be. I highly doubt its me. I have been reviewing spells in my head and I don't know half as many as I thought I did. I don't think Y'ata knows where we are. Though all he would have to do is ask any peasant and they would tell him exactly where the rebellion is. It seems that every one knows where it is. But I have to say that it's nice to have the real you back. You had lost something in gaol but now you seem to have regained it. I can tell. My heart hurts for you. I still don't think your friends are dead, but they didn't leave us with much hope. They probably are hiding somewhere. Sister when your letter arrived I had just heard that Zel was engaged to the king. I can't imagine what is going on. I hate to cast suspicion on Luc but as you say where can we doubt him?

As for your questions I myself just work in the bakery. I sometimes help polish weapons with the laundry lady but other wise I do little to help the rebellion. The people are all very good people. All of whom have been hurt someway by the king. But in truth I have to say that they all are true at heart. As to the rumors you heard they were true. I myself witnessed some of the destruction. But it has all stopped. The reason why the rebellion was doing wrong things was because of the leadership. The man who is or was in charge is an older duke, in his early fifties. He and his son took charge only because no one else was there to lead. But in short they just had no idea what they were doing. Now that Ranger is here he has taken charge, the men are on daily routines and he has the woman keeping things going. He has taken the whole rebellion and reformed it. In the past two weeks we have had more than a hundred people join the rebellion only because Ranger is in charge. You would be a large contribution. Right now I live closer to the surface. They let new comers be closer to the sun and air so that they don't go completely insane. But I probably will have to move deeper in soon. Ranger keeps asking me to be part of the rebellion officially but I'm just not ready. Ranger just arrived so I'll write a little more later.


I'taira you will never guess who I just met. Ranger came and asked if he could introduce me to a friend of his. I of course agreed and we started on our way. We went very deep into the caves but Ranger said very little. The deeper we got the more light there was. It's very strange but there is some sort of gem in these caves that shines very bright if you light a torch. You only need about one torch every hundred feet. It is very beautiful. So Ranger and I walked for a good hour maybe longer until we reached the place we were headed for. It was a small neighborhood of houses. They all surrounded a good size pond. Their were several children running and playing. When they saw Ranger they all shouted with joy and ran up to him. He greeted them all with joy then said he was here to see "the quiet one". All the children waved goodbye to us as we reached a tiny house. Ranger knocked on the door and a slim girl answered the door. She has soft strawberry blond hair, dark blue eyes, and a sad solemn face. When she saw Ranger her eyes brightened but she didn't smile or say anything. She just opened the door so that we could enter. When we all sat down the girl looked at me and said quietly,"You do not have to ware your mask here Raina." I looked at her quizzically but calmly took off my magical mask. Ranger smiled at my face. I could tell that he was glad to see my real face again. "What's your name?" I asked. This is what will shock you. "Emlyn. I think you know my relatives," Emlyn said. "Your Luc's sister?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. Now that I knew who she was I could see the resemblance between her and Luc. "Yes I am."Emlyn said. I watched her carefully. Just because Ranger trusted her doesn't mean she is good. "Her mother is the one who taught me about the hero's," Ranger said. "Raina don't distrust her. But I'm sure she'll tell you how she escaped." Emlyn nodded and started:

"My brother and I had just arrived at my aunt M'oren's. Luc had left and gone to Warrior Training. I can not say that I was suspicious at that time. Zel and I became friends. We spent several days in happy bliss. We'd either go to the village and play with the children, or bring happiness to those around us. Joy filled those days. Not a fear in the world. That was until I noticed some strange things going on. My aunt M'oren had started to fear her ward, the Ajatar, Weed. She had been charged to take care of him but she started to fear the beautiful creature. All I wanted was to be loved but the only person who didn't have a small grudge on me was Weed. I couldn't figure it out. Even Zel had started to have no patients for me. We were still friends but she constantly wanted to be left alone. Weed and I spent more and more time together. M'oren didn't seem to mind that Weed was closer to me than to her. M'oren started to get a darker look about her, or maybe it had been there the whole time. Something was going on, but I couldn't tell what.

Luc came to visit over a week end. I hadn't noticed how much I missed him until that moment. We spent a few days together talking about this or that. Luc talked about how much he wanted to be a knight for the king. I thought that would be alright. I thought the king wasn't doing all that bad of a job. But I still didn't like the king that much. I decided I had to confide in Luc what I had noticed about M'oren and Zel. Luc just laughed at my suspicions and said that there was nothing wrong with them and that it was just my imagination. I doubted it. But Luc seemed so reassuring that I ignored my feelings. He left and went back to Warrior Training. I spent several days in quiet solace. After secluding myself for several days I decided to go and become social again. My aunt and cousin were in their tent. Weed walked up next to me and nodded toward the tent. I gave him a questioning look but he urged me on. I walked into the tent and stopped in my tracks. M'oren was sitting across from Y'ata. Zel stood between them on the far side of the table talking and nodding to what the others were saying. Y'ata had killed my mother and father. I didn't need to meet him to know that he was evil. Zel looked up and saw me. Her face filled with sorrow and turned away from me. I sprinted out of the tent. I didn't know if M'oren and Y'ata had seen me or not, but I wasn't willing to find out. I ran as far as I could. I ran for quite sometime. Adrenaline pumping me forward. Tears seemed to never stop flowing. M'oren and Zel were in leagues with Y'ata. It would only make sense that Y'ata was in control of the king. Other wise he wouldn't have such influence. Luc, my dear brother! He had supported my aunt and assured me nothing was wrong. I couldn't flee to him. I traveled as far as I could but was soon lost after a few days. But Weed showed up and led me to the rebellion, where I have stayed from theat point on."

Emlyn finished her story and we all sat in silence. "Is Luc for sure in leagues with Y'ata?" I asked. I hoped against hope that he wasn't. "I don't know. All things add up that he is," Emlyn said in her quiet tone. I felt as if I could cry. But sister don't be too hard on Luc. No one knows for sure. No one has actually seen him talking with Y'ata. How can you wish him dead? He is still your friend no matter what you say. But oh if he could see what he has done to Emlyn! That would be punishment enough. I don't think she's smiled for years. He is practically killing his sister! Oh if I ever get my hands on Luc he wont be very . . . . This is strong talk. Let me resume my story so that I can relieve my hard feelings. Ranger and I left and he walked me back to the bakery. We walked in silence for quite some time. "Why wont you join the rebellion?" Ranger asked. I didn't answer right away. "I don't really want to," I said, "I don't want to be used. I don't want to end up like Emlyn." That conversation carried on for quite some time and we each got frustrated with each other. Of course when we got to my place of lodging we had both said sorry. But I can tell that he was hurt a little. Sister what should I do?

Yours, in confusion,
